"It was a great pleasure to represent the Far east memon youth chapter at this inaugural conference, personally to me this was great opportunity to network with like minded memon young people from all around the world who work for a common objective"
At the 10th AGM of the WMO held in June’12 at London, it was decided for all Chapters to activate the Youth Wing in the respective Chapters and once these YW are active to hold an International Youth Conference and activate the International Youth Wing (IYW).
However subsequent to the AGM, the Vice Presidents of all the Chapters at a meeting of the VP’s decided to conduct a T20 Cricket Tournament among the Chapters in the style of India Premier League (IPL) and the idea of the MPL was born (Memon Premier League).
At the same meeting it was also decided to launch the International Memon Youth Wing since there will be large no of youths from all Chapters participating at the MPL and it would be an opportune time to get Memon Youth from all over the World to band together under the auspicious of the WMO to serve the community and humanity at large.
Far East Chapter which came forward to Host the 1st Edition of MPL and International Memon Youth Conference in Colombo Sri Lanka.

The WMO (World Memon Organization) organized the first ever International Youth Conference (IYC) at Galadari Colombo, Sri Lanka on 21st of February, 2013. Memon Youth from all over the world attended the conference and benefited from cultural diversity. The conference aimed to bring together students, young professionals, community volunteers and leaders that will provide excellent opportunities for networking, sharing and learning. A multifaceted one day conference encouraged participants to envision their future and will help set the stage for the International Memon Youth Wing to take the form. Kumar Sangakara, Former captain of Sri Lanka Cricket team highlighted the importance of volunteerism in community building refernce to his life at the memon youth conference.
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