Monday, February 18, 2013

UNEP MGCY Position Speech 2013

Honorable delegates,

In preparation for the 27th GC/GMEF, social media was used to inspire and invite as many young people of MGCY as possible to join an inclusive drafting process. The UNEP MGCY Position Paper contains suggestions, recommendations, concerns, and encouragements proposed by children and youth that reflect the themes of the UNEP Tunza strategy to engage and involve young people in environmental issues.

Within the patterns and themes that have emerged, there is a strong presence of core values nurtured by young people. Among these values, we have highlighted the importance of education to offer opportunities, training, mentorship, to strengthen today’s growing leaders with the capacity they need to help implement the Rio+20 outcomes.

Another prevalent theme was youth mobilization, from increasing youth employment and sustainable jobs through the green economy, as well as by engaging and recognizing the creativity, energy, and drive of young people in order to get involved and to move from words to actions.

Finally, the most cherished theme in the MGCY position paper is cooperation. Young people strongly encourage governments to share information and propose transboundary collaboration to address UNEP’s subprogrammes such as climate change and resource effiency. Within the UN system itself, noticing numerous fragmentations, we favor and will act upon increased collaboration. Consequently, UNEP MGCY aims to interact more effectively with other children and youth from other UN branches, as well as to synergize our work with UNEP’s Tunza youth initiative.

(time to Tunza Youth Advisor Gracia Paramitha to highlight the themes of the Tunza Declaration).

- Delivered by Nhattan Nguyen, Co-Global Coordinator for Children and Youth on UNEP Major Groups Facilitating Committee
on February 17th 2013

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