Saturday, February 2, 2013

Green Economy Task Force Meeting - Beyond Rio+20- 19/01/13

Dear all,

This is a quick update on the call we had last week. I am sorry, I was busy the last days, so I could not send it earlier.

We had our meeting on the 19th of January; unfortunately not that many people joined, but we had a good and successful meeting. Here is a summary:

Updates on the last facilitation team meeting:

- Low responses to Emails send through the google-mailinglists, this needs to be changed.
- Starting work in the working groups again, which working groups do we want?
- No updates on CSD20 yet, they are still not sure which topics will be discussed.
- At the moment main discussions on international level: Post 2015 and SDGs
è Proposed working groups for the MGCY: Green Economy, IFSD (which can both be used as input for the other WG and to follow up on Rio+20 outcomes), SDGs & Post 2015, Mainstreaming youth engagement, other WG on general MGCY-stuff
è We need to outline key objectives for the next year!
Discussion on our role and way forward in the GE Taskforce:
- Do we still want a GE TF? Does it make sense? What could be the main objectives?
è We decided that we want to keep our group as Green Economy and alternative economies are still very imporant topics discussed a lot on different policy levels, as well as big events and on local level. As we were already involved in the discussion before Rio+20 we should keep track and make sure that young people stay involved in the process and in decision making. There are different discussions and conferences where we can get active, we can also provide input to other discussions of other groups

- What comes next?
è We should keep our eyes and ears open on discussions, events, etc. coming up
è We should see who is attending which of those events and discuss which kind of contribution we can bring, so that those attending can act as good representatives of the MGCY; if possible/ necessary we can also work on presentations, speeches … those people can give.
è We will work on a spreadsheet which will give an overview on the different events, discussions, conferences, etc. coming up and which we could be working on.
è Student reporters who are already present on many conferences and other events could also be representing young people from MGCY if they know how to do
One of those events coming up soon: UNEP TUNZA conference and UNEP Government Council in Nairobi, mid of February. Who of us is attending? Is there any contribution we can bring? We submit a workshop proposal for a workshop on GE during the TUNZA conference, but until now no approval.
- Ghana Youth Conference on Natural Resources taking place in August:

- Lena: create spreadsheet to fill with updates, discussions, events interesting for us
- Everyone: informing each other on things going on, filling in the spreadsheet
- Next meeting: discussion on which topics/ events we want to focus in the upcoming time to get started
- Date of Next meeting is at the moment set on the 10th of February at 1pm GMT.
This is the link to our spreadsheet:
Please have a look and provide feedback to me until next Sunday, the 3rd of February if you think that we can work with it or what to change. You can also already start filling it.

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