Monday, February 4, 2013

MGCY Post 2015 WG Meeting - 03/02/13

MEETING MINUTES: 3 Febuary 2013
Facilitator: Lloyd, European Youth Forum (UK)
- Ivana, MGCY OP (Serbia),
- Sikander, OP - National Youth Movement for UN post 2015 DA (Sri Lanka)
- Joao, Change Mob (from Brazil, currently in NY)
- Marcus, YMCA (Sweden, currently Scotland)
- Samuel - World Alliance of YMCA's (from Colombia, working in Geneva)
- Cilia Holmes Indahl (Norwegian council for Children and Youth)

1. Setting up the MGCY process (Ivana)
    Add hoc process
    We need to set up a proposal quickly.
    How we are going to proceed? How we are going to work? Who can follow up/lead on this?
    Organisation of work
    Who is going to the events, their roles and responsabilities
    Due to limited space, how we will select our representatives to meetings, etc.
    Next steps
    Prepare the proposal that will feed into the presentation we will deliver to the UN Dev Group and at the side event.

2. Overview of the post-MDGs and SDGs process (Ivana)
    OWGs- framework on SDGs
    The United Nations General Assembly has established an Open Working Group (OWG) that will focus on the design of a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to promote global prosperity, reduce poverty and advance social equity and environmental protection. The group will develop modalities to ensure the full involvement of relevant stakeholders and expertise from civil society and the United Nations System in its work. Even though GA was supposed to constitute the OWG for the SDGs by September 2012, it is only now that the GA has finally agreed upon its membership composition as designated by the five regional groups. The membership list specifies 70 countries which will hold 30 seats, with many seats hold two, three or four countries of the same region. The list of countries can be found here: OWG's co-chairs, work program and modalities have yet to be decided. The first meeting of the OWG will take place on 28th of February in NYC and each Major Groups will have an opportunity for 1-2 min intervention and possibly one common statement.
    Additional information:
    No funds were allocated for travel of experts or Major Groups.
    Next steps for Major Groups: MGs advocacy group should meet with PGA and the OWG members to share the MAG proposal and ascertain MG participation in the first and other meetings including prospects for financing.
    Major Groups Recommendations for Multi-Stakeholder Engagement with the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
    DESA Report
    MGCY position on SDGs
    There is no common position of the all MGs in terms of the substance of the SDGs only on the process
    We would need to direct our efforts on two things:
    proposing the ways of engagement
    proposing the substance
    HLP- framework on the post-2015 process
    Outcome Document from Civil Society Consultations with the HLP:
    Vision Statements submitted to the HLP Co-chair President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf: 
    List of events 

Lloyd: How often the Open Group will be meeting? So we can also clear what kind of input we will be able to give.
ACT: Ivana to find out
- Still needs to be decided by the MGs, but the idea is to have a common position on this, and each MG would take the lead in approaching specific member states.
Samuel: Is there a process to get to this consensus on our common stand (for all MGs)?

3. UN Development Group meeting (Joao)
    Overview of the meeting 6th February (Time: TBC)
    UN Development Group is outreach group and copypaste email
    the idea of the meeting is to have a dialogue of the UN and CSOs
    on the post-2015 there has been a litlle engagement with the CSOs and one of the reasons is confusion regarding the constituencies
    the main priority for the are children and youth and they want to challenge the current structure and
    what they need to do for us to be engaged
    our vision for the open working group
    how mdgs and sdgs meet
    what we expect from the HLP
    how to we engage with the My World and how we can use that info to shape our work
    no confirmation on how much time but we would have an initial presentatin and than the discussion will follow and debate on the common ground
    the meeting is on the 6th\
    they would like to have global south-
ACT- Joao to confirm how many people could come,but 1 or 2 will speak
ACT2- Identify: who from the MGCY is in NY and can be attending the meeting.
    \frank outlike of what would need from the process and how the MDGs and SDGs will look like interface
    None of the 16 points of the MY World are youth friendly and the language of the My world is not youth friendly
    Preparation of the presentation:
    MGCY's post-MDGs and SDGs vision
    MGCY's vision of the OWG
    MGCY's vision of the process and participation
Preparing the draft:
    We will form a group that will make a first draft by Monday 11 pm GMT, 2nd draft Thursday 11 pm GMT and finalized Wed finalized
    ACT People: 1st Draft Joao, Ivana, Second Draft, Sikander, Lloyd and Samuel and anyone else that wants to.
    ACT: all to draft ideas in the pirate pad

4. Side event-The Enhanced Consultative Role of Major Groups and Other Stakeholders in the Post-Rio/Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda (Ivana and Joao)
Major Groups Organising Partners have decided to to hold major groups side events on the margins of the upcoming ECOSOC functional commissions. The first in a series of major groups side events held throughout the first half of 2013 will feature every sector prominently, but not necessarily all at once. The first of such events is the event that will be e held during the Commission for Social Development (6-15 February) on 6 February at 1:15 in conference room E (UN Headquarters).  The proposed title for this side event is The Enhanced Consultative Role of Major Groups and Other Stakeholders in the Post-Rio/Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda and the event is organised by the NGOs, Women and Children and Youth.
- Draft Agenda for the event-
    Governance: Major Groups lessons learned
    Post-Rio processes
    PostRio-to-Post2015 Coherence
    HLPF and Stakeholder Participation
More information on registration for the Commission for Social Development is available
We need to prepare the input from MGCY, this should be coherent with the UN Development Group input.
Proposal: to start working with the same draft and when we get more information we can use that joint daft as the bases for the input into the side event.

5. MGCY Working Group on post-MDGs and SDGs (Lloyd)
    Overview of the WG
    Different MDGs related initiatives- mapping and cross referencing
ACT: Joao
    Compiling youth and the MGCY positions
ACT: Deadline above, Ivana
    Identify key deadlines and actions
List of events 
ACT: Ivana, Sikander, Lloyd
    Feeding into the governance question - how we want the process to work
ACT: Ivana, Lloyd
    Reaching out to other youth groups and young people
ACT: Lloyd, Sikander
DEADLINES: 14th FEBRUARY for everything else.

6. AOB and Next Meeting
We should identify thematic areas which are relevant to MGCYand then working groups can take on this responsibility.
Thematic Areas

Provisional doodle 15 - 19th February for people to join in.
ACT: Lloyd

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