Sunday, February 3, 2013

Post 2015 Development Agenda Meeting Minutes - 27/01/2012

This is a document which summarizes the discussions and decisions made from the first meeting held on 30th September till today. This document hopes to set the foundation for all discussions and decisions to be made in the near future.

The current team
·         Sikander Sabeer
·         Mohamed Husni
·         Kusala Fernandp
·         Jayathma Wickremanayake
·         Tamara de Silva
·         R. P. Niranjan
·         Sahan Hattotuwa

Main objectives
1.       To have a National Youth Report (Sri Lanka Youth Declaration) constituting the Youth Perspective on the post 2015 Development Agenda of Sri Lanka which will be presented to
§  Presented at WYC 2014
§  Fed into the National Planning Process

2.       To Formulate a Sri Lankan Youth Action Plan which would be incorporated  to the NYSC’s  Agenda

3.       To create Common Platform for multi stakeholder interaction under the subject of “ Youth Perspective on the post 2015 Development Agenda of Sri Lanka”

Duties and responsibilities
                          Sikander – Overall Campaign Head and Project Head “Creating A Stakeholder Forum”
                          Husni- Project Head for “Creating A Stakeholder Forum”
                          Kusala and Jayathma – Project Head of Youth Consultations and TOT program
                          Tamaara – Project Head for “Youth Action Plan” and manager of the campaign
                          Sahan, Niranjan, - Managing the Campaign and handling all logistics

The TOT Program and the Consultation Program

   The TOT program -

A TOT will be held for a group of 15 youth leaders are members of the youth parliament.
§  The TOT will be a 2 day program
§  This group will be trained as Facilitators for the Consultation Program.
§  Facilitators may not selected on geographical basis
§  Facilitators will be chosen by Jayathma and Kusala
§  This team will handle all the Consultations during the campaign. Food an Transport allowance will be paid to these Faciliators
§  Another group would be trained as Rappatuers will be trained to take noted during these consultations. Approx. 15 and it will be a 1 day program,
§  Some of these Rappatuers will be absorbed into the Drafting Committee
§  The responsibility of organizing these consultations will be hand over to the District Youth Council which are under the NYSC
§  All Rappatuers and facilitators will receive letter of appreciation which are
Signed by high level people

Consultation Program -
The mix of consultations would be 9 provincial workshop and 5 specific workshops, adding to a total of 14 consultations. The decision on the 5 specific workshops is yet to be decided.

·         9 provisional consultations -       
§  One day program from 10am – 4 pm
§  20 participants
§  To pay around Rs. 300 to Rs 400 as travel allowance
§  It would be responsibility of the respective district council to organize all consultations
§  If there is a need to provide accommodation for the participants, it would be handle by the district councils

·         The following is the draft lists of contents of the consultation program –
§  About MDGs
§  Importance of MDGs
§  MDGs and Sri Lanka
§  Post 2015
§  Thematic Discussion
§  Leadership Activities
§  Presentation from NYSC

Youth Action Plan
The following are the discussions about the Youth Action Plan
§  This plan will be incorporated to the NYSC’s development agenda
§  Each Youth District will planning a project with the help from Youth district federation
§  This will be present to NYSC Board
§  The Finances for  these Projects will be provided by NYSC’s budget
§  Other project from stakeholder will also be accepted.
Open Stakeholder
·         Have an open forum
·         Maybe have a conference at the end of the consultations
·         If any stakeholders want provide an input to the campaign they could do so by communicating it through E Mail.

Draft timeline

Things to be done

2nd week Feb 2013

Finalizing the campaign with Mr. Milinda

4th week Feb 2013

Press release of the Campaign        

2nd  week march  2013

The TOT program

1st week April 2013 to
4th Week of September

§  Start of the Consultation program
§  Inputs to the report
§  Drafting the Report

1st week October 2013                                         

   §  Output of the 1st Draft Of the report
   §  Finalizing the Youth action Plan
   §  Maybe to organize a conference for the output of the report

2nd Week October 2013 to
2nd week March 2014

   §  Finalizing the Report

2nd Week April 2014

  §  The final draft output of the Youth Report

World Youth Conference 2014

Presenting the report on “Youth Perspective on Post 2015 development Agenda”

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