Friday, September 7, 2012

Two Important Outcomes of GYBN Conference- Berlin City

After working for 6 days and nights we were able produce two powerful documents at GYBN Kickoff Conference - Berlin City, Germany

1.) The Global Youth Biodiversity Network Statue
This document is the basis of our future work and establishes a framework for the structure, decision-making processes and mandate of GYBN.
It was previously named "Berlin Declaration" during the drafting process. As this name was considered to be confusing by some participants,
we renamed the document to "GYBN Statute". In appendix to this document you can also find a Code of Conduct, History and Election Criteria.
It can be accessed online at:

2.) The GYBN Position Paper for COP11
It is giving a brief overview on our positions for COP 11, it will be distributed to decision makers, other civil society organisations etc.
Therefore we wanted to make it as short and precise as possible. Since we only had input on some of the topics, that not all issues on the agenda of COP11
are covered. This document is available at:

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