Sunday, September 2, 2012

Building a better world, partnering with the youth

International Youth Day

With the goal of “Building a better world, partnering with the youth” V Force [National Volunteer Task Force], under the United Nations Volunteers [UNV] programme and the National Youth Services Council [NYSC], with the guidance and support from the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Development and United Nations in Sri Lanka, celebrated the International Youth Day.

The International Youth Day gives the world an opportunity to recognize the potential of youth, celebrate their achievements and plan for ways to engage young people in creating an enhanced future for all. It presents a unique chance for all stakeholders to rally together to ensure that youth are included in decision making at all levels. Thus each year, since 2000, UN International Youth Day is celebrated worldwide on the 12th of August.

It was with great joy that over 2500 youth participants gathered at the Independence Square to celebrate International Youth Day in Sri Lanka, on the 12th of August. This day was seen as an opportunity to empower and support youth in enhancing their abilities to make a better world. The event got underway with a parade which made its way to the independence square, after which the grand affair of commemorating our youth was in full swing.

It was indeed a privilege to have the International Youth day graced by respectable individuals including Hon. Minister of Youth Affairs Mr. Dullas Alahapperuma, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations Mr. Subinay Nandy, Country Director UNDP Ms Razina Bilgramy, Programme Officer UNV Mr. Natal Donnaloia, Chairman of the National Youth Services Council (NYSC) Mr. Lalith Piyum Perera, Secretary to Ministry of Youth Affairs Mr. K.A Tilakaratne, Deputy Mayor Mr. Madura Vithanage and Parliamentarian Ms Upeksha Swarnamali.  More over it was astounding to have in our midst, Ms. Stephanie Siriwardhana [Miss Sri Lanka 2011/ Global Shaper] and Mr. Saman Ranaweera [Secretary of the Youth Club Federation], who addressed the youth present at the event, motivating and encouraging them to engage in making a difference.

At the International Youth Day, to promote community service, and to create a chance to contribute to society in a positive manner, youth participants pledged their support to volunteer at a community project of their choice. Thus the theme of building a better world partnering with the youth was addressed through this action.

The highlight of the evening was the human mosaic that was formed in the shape of the world map. It was the largest human mosaic formed and was considered a Guinness World Record [awaiting confirmation]. In addition the lighting of the human mosaic signified the positive contribution that these youth had pledged to make.  Furthermore it reflected the global theme of “Light up the World”.

In conclusion International Youth Day 2012 was indeed a success. It was celebrated with the hope of creating awareness and empowering youth to make a better world. It was a great pleasure to be a part of key organizer of such an energetic event!

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