Sunday, September 16, 2012

GYBN Policy WG Meeting Minutes - 15/09/12

GYBN Policy Working Group

1st Meeting - 15th.09.2012 - 1pm GMT:

Participants: Melina, Lena, Sikander
Facilitator: Sikander
Notetaker: Lena

ACT @Melina: Tell to ST - code of conduct - improve email communication - avoid spam


- Round of Introduction

Lena (Germany) - Environmental Engineer Student,
Melina (Brazil, living in Japan) - Biologist, Master's in Environmental Management, Research with Biodiversity Valorization.
SIkander (Sri Lanka) - Beyond Rio+20 Movement

- Reflextion on GYBN Conferenece few thoughts on Kick off Conference

Lena- Great, Load work, Happy to see the WG, There is follow-up.
Melina- Similer to Lena, Plan of action till CBD
Sikander - Start up the moment, follow-ups - worried about after CBD, lot of things to do and how we will be preparing GYBN for the next 2 years

- Discussing a Strategy to work on the policy paper

Lena - New comments
Discuss the Unclosed para and way forward to finalize it,
Circulate It
Send for Comments
do ammendments
Online Voting
Melina -
If people say "No", They have to justify it, The majority will be considered

Discussion on the paper:

- Not merging Forst Biodiversity and Mountain Biodiversity
- Concern on "community-based scientific documentation",
Melina: it is needed not only on mountain biodiversity,
Lena: at the moment it is not easy to understand the sentence, it is not clear
--> we will leave it in breakets and see what people say: if it is drastically changing our paper we can take it out as we do not have time to be workingon it right now, or is it important and we will be able to redraft
- sustainable use of biodiversity:
Melina: we should put it in brackets and open the question to delete as not strong at the moment and redundant and we have no capacity working on it at the moment.
Suggestion of Sikander for the text: We remind parties to use biodiversity to enhance the quality of life and introduce biodiversity services/eco system services which will add benifits to the economy and community, while conserving it.
--> we are not going to redraft points again, so we are trying to include or take out points that are not strong enough. Voting on it.
--> we are trying to draft a paper on Economy and biodiversity to be presented and distributed in different discussions on economy and especially green economy that will come up.
- biofules: not merged with agriculture
ACT @Lena: sending the minutes and request on acting on the open questions, then we will start the voting process
- forming subgroups and appointing co facilitators
Melina voluneer to work on "Biodiversity & Economy"
ACT @Melina, starting the group during the next week
Lena: we should form groups of peopel who are kowlageable about the main important topics of COP11, also to be a rapid response team for questions coming up during COP11
Melina: we should have a list who is in our group and expert in which topics and also send a request for people who are expert on certain toics of COP11, who want to volunteer to help in following the topics
Sikander: we should break dowin the topics
- CBD operational process: Strategic Plan, Finance, ...
- Content issues: Mountains, Forest, Maine and Coastal biodiv, agriculture, Climate Change and biodiv, ...
- Cross cutting issues: Economic, subsidies, ecosystem services, capacity building
- Indigenious issues and Tradition knowledge
- Benefit sharing (ABS)
ACT@Melina: sending out the expert list, plus email with request to everyone and email everyone asking for contribution
- Lobbystrategy for COP11. How do we want to use our position paper for lobbying activities at the COP?
Could not discussed!
- GYBN Side Event on October 16th - we have time to present both GYBN and our Position Paper there
After the PP is finalized.

- Any Other Business

- tasks to DO and Deadlines
Lena- Circulate the minutes and feed back on PP
-Melina- Make the sperad sheet
-Sika- Fix the next call it has to be next week, the sooner the better! And we need to send individual emails if necessary to get people! making a dooddle for next week Saturday and Sunday 1pm GMT

- Fixing Next call and Closeup.

Next week

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