Sunday, September 23, 2012

GYBN Policy WG - Meeting Minutes- 22/09/12

GYBN Policy Working Group

2st Meeting - 22.09.2012 - 1pm GMT:

Participants: Sikander, Isabel, Mpha
Facilitator- Sikander
Note Taker- Isabel

Start of the meeting: 3.30 GMT, proposed end 4.14 GMT
- Round of Introduction
SIkander- Sri lanka, Post 2015 MDG Cordinator
Isabel - Germany, Student of International Relations
Mpha- Malawi, Student at UNU-IAS,(MSc. Environmental Governance)

- GYBN Side Event on October 16th - we have time to present both GYBN and our Position Paper there-> proposal not to talk about it as the action group already works on that

- Discussing a Strategy to work on the policy paper

-- Lobbystrategy for COP11. How do we want to use our position paper for lobbying activities at the COP?
Sikander: proposal to have a working group on the wider policy document as well as to have more precise subgroups for the lobbying in order bring more the youth perspective in/indentify topics that are important for youth
Mpha: difficult to bring a specific youth perspective in, youth require different things depending on where they live
Isabel: we have to remember that we will have a opening speech and a speech at the end, where we will have to talk about the general issues as Strategic Plan, Finance etc.
Sikander: but specific interventions 
Sikander: identify issues that relate to youth
- education
Isabel: if we have a seperate working group on the policy paper and subgroups to lobby will create parallel structures
Mpha: but lack of time

Isabel: proposal to take out mountain biodiversity of the position paper, as it is not longer in the offical agenda of the CBD Secretariat
Sikander and Mpha: important to take it in again!use it as lobbying point

Finalization of the position paper
Sikander: problematic, because people are not turning up to the skype calls
Mpha: important that others refer to the position paper, important to stress that the 29th is the last day to comment
Sikander: googlesheet and share it

Official Agenda for the COP 11:

Lobbying Points/WG
Isabel: identify the subgroups: 

Structuring the subgroups to lobby:
01. CBD operational process: Strategic Plan, Finance, ...
02. UN Decade on Biodiversity
03. Group on mountain biodiversity: lobby to take the issue back into the agenda
03. Other substantive issues: Forest, Marine and Coastal biodiv, agriculture, 
04. Cross cutting issues: Ecosystem services, Climate Change and biodiv, subsidies, biodiversity and development
05. Capacity building/youth involvement
06. Tradition knowledge(Art. 8j) and Benefit sharing (ABS)

Sikander: important to identify topics which are related to youth and forming WG

Tasks to Do-
- Email: sending the link of the pad, finalization of the position paper by the end of this month
- voting for the topics in doodle for (select most important topics until tuesday 5GMT) -> same people will work on the parts of the wider position paper

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