Sunday, September 23, 2012

GYBN Steering Comm and Facilitating Team Meeting Minutes

Steering Committee + Facilitators

Participants: Christian, Dayna, Melina, Sabuj, Sikander

1. Education & Capacity Building Prepartion for the COP

- GYBS in collaboration with Action WG (Svana)
- Webinar (?)
- Following the COP and posting it online (Together with Communication and Outreach)

- Briefing material on GYBN - task for Communication WG (?)
- Briefing material on the COP11 issues - Task for Education WG
 --> Compiling all the existing material, summarize it and post ir in the webpage

2. Policy

- Position paper and Statute open for final comments and to be adopted on the 28th

COP Preparation

- Lobbying: finding the major lobbying points in our document
   - Identifying lobbying points and choosing strategic ones to fight for
   - Focus on Youth related issues
   - UN Decade for Biodiversity
   - Major groups
   - Officially recognize the importance of youth participation: "Parties should encourage champions networks for biodiversity"
   --> Christian is sending the text
   - Future generations : 
   - youth focal point (?) - talk with Neil and Chantal - Dinner - Acknowledge their work   

- Working groups on the position paper

* Collaboration - Policy WG + Education CB - Read the documents BEFORE the COP, especially the ones related to our lobbying points

@Christian - Send the COP documents to the list and the policy WG
@Policy WG - Identify 5-6 Lobbying points
@Steering Committee -Go Through the document and find the points related to our lobbying points

To Do: Have policy working group identify 5 points for us to track, have experienced people look at the text to figure out lobby points, have education working group give updates about our progress on these points

Big Challenge: Lack of people's participation

@Steering Committee - Contact Chantal to get the contact for all the youth groups attending the cop - make an introductory email for Indian youth

@Policy WG + Education WG - Making presentations for GYBS

* Collaboration (GYBS) - Policy WG +Education CB + Action
 --> Prepare a presentation on our policy focus and instructions (?) to coordinate GYBN activities during the COP
 --> Collaboration with CBD Alliance  - Join their Capacity building session
 @Everybody - Encourage everybody to review important policy documents before attending
 @Policy WG - Proposal: Identify 5 lobbying points, put into the GYBN group and the get comments from people, see who are interested in and have people going throught the texts and preparing specific lobbying points
 Next steps:
 - Lobbying point
 - Position papers
 - Logistics
 - Coordination with CBD Alliance
 - Interventions - Opening ceremony of the COP + Opening ceremony of the High level Segment - Closing ceremony with Go4Biodiv
 Opening speech - What youth needs to be done during the next days - more specific
 @Christian & Melina - Policy WG - Draft - Opening, Closing, High Level Segment speech - Open to everybody - Create a google document and share with everybody
 @Everybody should get involved in the policy WG
 - How to elect focal points and people who are doing the interventions
 @Dayna - Send an email to the list regarding the election of focal points
 - Collaboraion with Go4Biodiv

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