Friday, June 22, 2012

Rio+20 Daily Update - Day 10

June 22, a major side event took place with the presence of UN Secretary General on sustainable futures: accelerating progress on the MDG's through youth innovations. The UN has recognized the need to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world, youth in overcoming the challenges facing humankind, from enhancing peace to boosting economic development and dealing with Climate Change. This event will focus on youth as agents of change and catalysts in achieving the MDGs and beyond, with a focus on innovations that are youth driven dealing with sustainable development.

It will:

a) Present some powerful examples of youth-led initiatives which impact local decision-making processes

b) Showcase tech and social business solutions which empower communities and

c) provide recommendations for ensuring stronger linkages between the youth and MDG agenda 2015+.

 "Young people can and must play a central role in bringing dynamic new ideas, fresh thinking and energy to the Rio+20 process."  Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General

Professor Yunus on Social business, YY tour, micro finance, and will demonstrate how he is bringing young people of the world together, with the massive power of technology and support of social business, to ensure that Millennium Development Goals (MDG) are achieved in all countries.Professor Jeffrey Sachs can focus on Sustainable and rural development in the context of youth.

Key Questions/Issues to be explored:

Why engage youth in Rio+20

1) The economy and green jobs. Unemployment and underemployment are major concerns for youth around the world. The global economic downturn has hit youth disproportionately hard compared to their presence in the labor market. However, growth in the Green Economy has the potential to benefit youth, simultaneously providing career opportunities and the environmental benefits of a more sustainable economy.

2) Young people have to opportunity to influence policy. Both the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street movements are fueled in part by lack of economic opportunities for youth. Young people can ride this wave of youth activism and assert their influence by demanding that world leaders commit to concrete actions for sustainable development at Rio + 20.

3) Youth are demanding accountability. Diplomats have been making pledges to act on environmental problems for many years. Yet today, we Are facing a potentially disastrous environmental future. One of the main themes of the Earth Summit will be improving international governance on environmental issues. One idea on the table, proposed by NRDC, is an international registry of environmental commitments and pledges. This would be a way of tracking progress, forging partnerships, and holding leaders accountable for their promises. Youth are key agents for promoting this change and holding leaders accountable.

4) Rio + Twenty-somethings. Just as the first Earth Summit was a pivotal moment in the lives and careers of an earlier generation of environmentalists, Rio + 20 is an opportunity to make their voices heard. And people are listening. The world is looking to this new generation for innovation and action.

5) Future We Want. Young people will be living with the decisions made at Rio, successes and failures of the environmental movement for the rest of their lives. Now is the time to assert their influence and it's the UN?s responsibility to give them agency to advocate on their behalf. The Earth Summit is an opportunity to prove that international environmental action is possible, and that commitments will bring action. #FutureWeWant is the official hash-tag for Rio + 20. Youth will be tweeting, posting, and talking to their communities about the results you want from Rio + 20.

High Level segment on "Youth and Development"

Indigenous  People Raise Their Voice

Presenting the "UN World Youth Conference" book let to Hon. Minister P.C. Ranawaka - Ministry of Power and Energy - Sri Lanka

Protest erupted in the Rio+20 conference organized by the some of the major groups as civil rights groups carried out a "ritual rip-up" of a negotiating text that they condemn as a betrayal of future generations. Youth Activists, indigenous groups and environmental NGOs in the raucous demonstration, which included speeches and songs in the walkway outside the plenary pavilion.

"We were promised leaps and bounds but this agreement barely moves us forward by inches”, “Zero Draft is a Blank paper” as protesters ripped up a giant mock text that they called "The Future We Bought".

The police presence was much higher outside the conference venue than in previous days. Ranks of riot police lined up outside the main entrance. Around 4.00 pm some of the Youth representatives removed their badges and joined the people’s summit.

June 21, the second day of the highlevel segment, where world leaders made their interventions at the high level plenary.

                                                  Mass demonstration near the main plenary

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