Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rio+20 Daily Blog - Day 01

June 11, Youth Blast. Today was my first day in Rio+20 and it was a very important day to me. In the first day I was able to meet loads of youth activists from almost all the corners of the world, for the past few months i was working with sevral youth cordinators on Rio+20 process through Skype Calls and Webinars, but i have never met them earlier face to face. This was the first time where i met those inspirational people for the first time after working with them for a long time on Rio+20 process.
In the early morning there was a pannel discussion at the Youth Blsat, where several youth representatives shared their experience with us.

In the evening I facilitated a session on Asia Youth Strategic meeting for Rio+20, where we had representatives from different parts of the Asia, in the meeting we discussed on the strategies how Asain youth present at Rio+20 can get engage with the Rio+20 negotiations on behalf of the MGCY.
In the late evening we had a Green Economy Task Force meeting, we discussed on the strategies on how we are going to follow up the Prepcomm and high level negotiations, meanwhile we discussed how we are going to act beyond Rio+20 agenda.
In the night I couldn't forgot spend some time with my new friends.

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