Monday, June 4, 2012

Facilitated a Residential Workshop on Youth Led sustainability

The International Climate Champions is a program of the British Council. The program is aimed at empowering youth to engage in solving environment issues of the current world. The first International Climate Champions were recruited in 2009 with just 5 members, this batch received their project management training in Muktheshwar, in the Himalayan region of India. The second batch was recruited in 2010 with 12 members. The members chosen in 2010 attended a four-day project management workshop hosted in New Delhi, India. The climate champions are a part of a world-wide network. Selected champions from across the globe meet at the annual International Climate Champions International camp. In 2011, three champions from Sri-Lanka had the chance of attending the international camp which focussed on how climate change impacts coastal eco-systems. The three champions who attended this camp were Chathurangi de Silva, Sikander Sabeer and Joanne Kotelawala. 

Champions are recruited based on project plans which they submit as a part of their application procedure. Their projects aim to communicate the issues related to climate change and to take action to either adapt to or mitigate the effects of climate change.
The recruits for ICC 2012 submitted their applications along with project ideas and 24 selected participants attended a project planning workshop held in Thulhiriya, Kurunegala. The two-day workshop focussed on educating the participants on general climate change knowledge, and project planning skills. The program also focussed on aspects of self-development that would prepare the participants to work as volunteers in communities effectively and to communicate their knowledge within those communities. The event was organised by ICC 2010 Joanne Kotelawala, with the support of the British Council Colombo. The participants were addressed by professionals in the fields of Conservation (prof. Hemanthi Ranasinghe) , Energy and Transport, Social Action Projects (Mr. Sena Peiris), Education and Awareness, Research and innovation, Digital and social media.

The event was facilitated by the champions from 2009 and 2010 who were also able to share with participants their experiences and how their projects have grown since its inception. The facilitators at the event were Ashrifa Ali (ICC 2009), Sikander Sabeer (ICC 2010), Nilanke Panthearachchi (ICC 2010), Joanne Kotelawala (ICC 2010) and Aruthra Rajasingham. The team was given an immense amount of help by Mr. Nimal Perera and Ms. Thushara Gunasekara. 

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