Monday, June 4, 2012

Green Economy Call Minutes - 03.06.2012, 3pm GMT

Participants: Brendan, Brittany, Frances,Lucie, Cassia, Sikander, Naomi, Emanu
Facilitator: Lena
Notetaker: Naomi

Agenda:- introduction

Brittany Laidlaw- Global Voices Australian Youth Delegate for Rio+20
Lena: Germany, German official youth delegate for Rio+20, German youth council
Brendan, Belgium, Rio+twenties, board member 
Lucie, Switzerland, Swiss UN-Youth Delegate, Swiss Youth Council
Cassia: Brazil, ISF volunteer,  involved with this Task Force.
Sikander Sabeer: Sri Lanka, Founder National Road to Rio+20 Campaign
Naomi: Japan, Environmental Partnership Council, 
Frances: Australia, Global Voices Youth Delegate (leaving early) 

- update 3rd informal negotiations May 29-June 2: -newest Chair's text came out on May22 -WG1 (sec 1, 2, 3,4) WG2 (sec 5, 6) Changes on WG 5 & WG 6 observed

 Summary will be released on Tuesday
Youth GE team focus on Education & Employment.  education agreed ad ref. not best.  so few ppl from MGCY attended the negotiation which was a challenge, so couldn't follow 
There want be chair's text by next week.  

Latest text on jobs: 
Latest text on eduction

Latest text on natural resources: 

- upcoming dates
 Youth Blast:    

7-8 (Brazilian youth), 
10-12 (international)    
Register if you haven't! will make things easier ;- )We have (at least) 3 slots planned for sessions. Except for the core session, timing is more or less flexible and we can have more sessions if we want (but we want to keep a balance between quality and quantity)

  • June 11th 11.30 - 13.00: Core Session on GE (Plenary) - General introduction the GE TF of the MGCY
  • June 11th 2.30 - 4.00: GE and Employment (Room 11
    , capacity: 100p) - Special focus on employment 
  • June 12th 11.30 - 4.00: GE and Education (Room 11
    , capacity: 100p ) - Special focus on education

- PrepCom negotiations: 13-15 June: you should attend. 
  • Daily updates on new GoogleGroup will be made
  • Information for those not in Rio in order to let them participate
  • Need secondary pass.

-SD Dialogue 16-19
  • Facilitation team deciding on MGCY participation.

-UNCSD 20-22
  • 2 intervention at the opening & ending.
  • don't know if we can attend or not.
  • Group passes? -will ask OPs

-other events
  • find out which events you want to go to, and some require pre-registration.

- who will be in Rio?Lena, now till 25thBrendan, 11th - 23rdLucie, 11th june - 11th JulyNaomi, 8-26thSikander (Hopefully) 10-26Emanuel (Hopefully) Alva 9th-28th June  - division of tasks, next steps, dates for working meetingsWe need people for the following tasks:minimum 2 persons for each Youth Blast interventions and more people planing these sessions:
  • June 11th 11.30 - 13.00 (core session):
     Lena, Alva 
  • June 11th 2.30 - 4.00 (employment):
    Shoya (naomi) + Sikander (Hopefully)
  • June 12th 11.30 - 13.00 (education): Brendan + Lucie
  • June 
    12th 2.30 - 4.00 (natural resources): Alva 

- 2 people to report back on the general evolution of negotiations: [Lucie

2 people responsible for welcoming/briefing newcommers
- 2 people to lead daily working group on education: [Lucie] if some interested in taking the lead please contact me ( or Lena (
- 2 people to lead daily working group on employment: Sikander (if attending)
- 2 people to lead daily working group on natural resources: Alva
- 2 people responsible for (social) media/outreach: Brendan- 1 person update calendar & schedules: Naomi

- some practical matter for Rio- Meeting of the GETF to be programmed on the 10th & 11th in the evening: Lena  
   -Map of events:    
- Photo book of negotiators:   
 -Sim card:    - Lenas brasilian number: (021) 8234 8445, you need to take off the (021) if you also have an Rio de Janeiro number   
 -conference handbook:

- others

Check the National Road to Rio+20 Campaign Synthesis Report, What we are doing in Sri Lanka for Rio+20

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