Saturday, March 23, 2013

Youth Envoy Calls for Including Youth in Post-2015 Agenda

The UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Ahmad Alhendawi, has declared that youth input and participation are critical in defining the post-2015 agenda. He elaborated that the post-2015 agenda offers an opportunity “where young people can participate in setting the agenda, and then own this agenda by being equal partners in its implementation and evaluation,” and advocated for a youth-friendly development agenda.

Alhendawi underscored the need for policymakers to address education and unemployment. He said approximately 425 million jobs will need to be created over the next 15 years to meet the needs of youth around the world.

Alhendawi said he intended to act as a messenger between youth and the UN during his mandate while working with UN agencies to enhance their programs on youth. He also said he hoped to create mechanisms to facilitate youth participation at national, regional and international levels and to promote the inclusion of women and girls in the development process. This statement was Alhendawi’s first since assuming his post.

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