Friday, March 15, 2013

Day- 02 Education Post-2015: Asia-Pacific Unites

On the second day of the UNICEF/UNESCO consultations, participants intensely worked on the draft position paper for the global thematic consultations on Educations, due to take place in Senegal.   In the morning hours participants presented the outcome document of group work on below four themes,

Theme 1: Equitable Access to and Participation in Education
Theme 2: Quality of Learning and Learning Outcomes
Theme 3: Global Citizenship, Skills and Competencies for Life and Work
Theme 4: Governance, Financing and Partnership/Cooperation

Participants emphasized on below questions for each topic followed by an open forum.

What are the main obstacles?, What are the building blocks and strengths?, What specific actions should be taken?, What specific measure should be taken?,  Drawing on the above, what are the priority areas in above specific themes which should be included in a post-2015 development agenda?

After the lunch break participants worked on the final draft of the outcome document and adopted by 120 stakeholders from the Asia-Pacific region, including representatives from governments, non-governmental organizations (international, regional, national and local), universities and academia, teachers’ unions, disabled peoples’ organizations, and youth organizations on March 1, 2013 at the Bangkok City.

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