Thursday, March 14, 2013

As a Youth Speaker at the Asia Pacific Thematic Consultations on Education

It was a great pleasure to be a Youth Speaker for the UNICEF/UNESCO Asia Pacific thematic consultations on Education for Post 2015 development agenda. Mohamed Husni and I were able to present the outcome of the mini consultation took place in Colombo, Sri Lanka (as a power Point presentation for 5-7 minutes) to UN delegates and participants from Asia & Pacific region on the first day of the Regional Thematic consultation held in Bangkok. We also used the outcome of this mini consultation to contribute during the breakout sessions of the regional consultation. UNESCO Bangkok staff is really happy about the outcome of our mini consultation and how we conducted it and in general, participants found it very useful and interesting, to be honest, we got many positive feedback from almost all the participants presented at the consultation for our presentation which we did on the very first day- which is something we never expected - all credit goes to each & every participant of our mini consultation, rapporteurs and most importantly two great facilitators who did an amazing job by facilitating this consultation.

UNESCO has uploaded the power point presentation in their official website for Asia & Pacific Region ( The outcome document of the Colombo mini consultation will be uploaded here:

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