Sunday, February 3, 2013

The 'Love NOT Hate' Campaign

The 'Love NOT Hate' Campaign

As Sri Lanka emerges out of decades of internal conflict, the urgency of building trust between polarized communities has to assume the centre of discourse. A population previously burdened with conflict and the tsunami now has an unprecedented opportunity to join hands and work together towards a peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka. Previously, parallel communities have lived side by side in tolerance with each other. This culture has to change from mere tolerance to respect, understanding and acceptance of the „other‟. This will in turn create an environment for respecting cultures, religions and values together with the aim of developing a society that understands each other. In order to do this love, and not hate, is of utmost importance.

Against this backdrop, the focus on ensuring the harmonious coexistence of Sri Lankan citizens rests at the pinnacle of efforts towards building trust between communities and ultimately contributing towards lasting reconciliation of the society, where the past is used constructively to build for the future. Stressing the value of compassion (where we treat others as we expect to be treated), a commitment to respect, understanding and acceptance leading to coexistence would celebrate love and not hatred.

Born into an atmosphere of prevalent conflict, we the citizens of mother Sri Lanka wholeheartedly espouse the sentiments of this commitment. Convinced that genuine reconciliation can only be achieved through compassion, respect, understanding, acceptance and peaceful coexistence, it is our intention to encourage and garner widespread awareness and support. As youth inherit the task of shaping the future of the country, it is not merely an endeavour, but a responsibility to promote the realization of a united Sri Lanka.

“I pledge to Love not Hate” welcomes the active support and cooperation of everyone in this pledge for coexistence, to Love and not to Hate. It is envisaged that this pledge will represent an appreciation of the importance of reconciliation and a commitment to lasting peace in Sri Lanka.

I pledge to abide by the principle of compassion which calls upon us to always treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves.

I pledge to speak a kind word to a fellow human being, every day.

I pledge to speak good about others in humanity

I pledge to help the one who needs my help and do my utmost to alleviate poverty.

I pledge to stand up for social justice.

I pledge to do my part to develop my country.

I pledge to respect one another.

I pledge to build trust.

I pledge to be a voice for the voiceless.

I pledge to stand for a united Sri Lanka.

I pledge to love, not hate.

We hope to launch this campaign online on the 4th of February 2013, on the 65th Independence Day of Sri Lanka.

How can you help?

1. Spread the word, through Facebook [], Twitter [@lovenothatelka #LoveNotHate] etc.

2. Change your cover page to “Image 1” on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2013.

3. Change your cover page to “Image 2” on the 4th of February 2013 onwards.

4. Take the Pledge to 'Love NOT Hate' at starting 4th February 2013

Thanks & Regards,

The 'Love NOT Hate' Campaign


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