Monday, February 18, 2013

Invitation - Preparatory Consultation on "Education in the Post 2015 Development Agenda" Colombo, Sri Lanka

"Education in the Post 2015 Development Agenda"
                Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dear All,

This is an open invitation for youth activists, youth organisations, and volunteers who want to be actively involved in UN Post-2015 Development Agenda discussions. Make your voice heard and ideas to be incorporated in the final outcome of this process.


In the run up to 2015, UN organizations and international, regional and national stakeholders across the globe have commenced consultations regarding the effectiveness of the Millennium Development Goals and reflections on the post-2015 development agenda as a global commitment towards human development and poverty reduction. The UN has started the processes to foster broad based, open and inclusive dialogues with all stakeholders, including civil society partners, on helping to define the post-2015 agenda. One of these processes is global thematic consultations around 11 themes, one of which is EDUCATION. This thematic consultation is co-led by UNESCO and UNICEF which have set up a regional Task Team to ensure that the voices of the Asia-Pacific region are included in the global process.

Within the framework of the thematic consultation on education in the post-2015 agenda, UNESCO Bangkok (Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education), UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and the Pacific (EAPRO), and UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) will organize a regional thematic consultation on education on 28 February - 1 March 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Preparatory Mini Consultation with Youth

In light of the above regional consultation, the Youth for Post-2015 Development Agenda National Campaign will be holding a Preparatory Consultation Process on

Date : Wednesday, 20th of February, 2013

Time : 4 pm - 6 pm

Venue : UN Conference Room, UN Compound, 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07

The purpose of this preparatory mini consultation is to take a bottom-up approach and to involve as many relevant stakeholders as possible of each network or organization so that their views can be reflected and represented in the regional thematic consultation.

For more information about the consultation please refer the attached document.

Note 01 -
Please note that this is an open invitation, thus anyone who is outside of your network can attend the consultation, however please inform their contact details to us so that we could send an invitation.

Note 02 -
During the consultation we will need the assistance of few volunteers who could act as Rappouteurs. It would be great if you could assist our team during the consultation. Please inform us if you are interested.

If you need more information about the consultation please feel free to contact Mohamed Husni at or Sikander Sabeer -

Please RSVP your participation by sending an email or contact Sahan Hattotuwa at (0776613941) or Tamara De Silva at (0772724443)

We look forward to your active participation.
Thank you & Best Regards

Youth for Post 2015 Development Agenda Campaign

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