Saturday, September 28, 2013

Youth statement at High Level Political Forum - Beyond Rio+20

Today is a very important milestone; the establishment of the High Level Political Forum signals political commitment to Sustainable Development.However, this alone is not enough.

The decisions made by this forum will impact us all. In today’s world, over half the population is under thirty, equality is still an aspiration and world peace is considered an unrealistic ideal. It is 2013, yet over 81 million young people are unemployed globally, and children are being forced into he worst forms of labour. Young people are growing up in a world where global economic activity has overstepped planetary boundaries and where billions struggle to fulfill basic needs. Daily people die from diseases we can treat and violence we can prevent. We need to liberate ourselves from national and corporate self interest and work towards an equitable future. Around the world, young people protest at the disconnect between our reality and the decisions being made about our lives. Young people demand changes to hold governments’accountable for the decisions being made about our future. It is your responsibility to guarantee that we have opportunities for meaningful engagement during the decision-making process. It is our responsibility to actively contribute to these discussions and partner in the implementation and the evaluation of the development agenda.

We are communicating the critical message of our stake in the future and fighting to be heard. Live-streaming and social media have enabled countless young people to be aware of and engage in global events. But
we need to build on this and create permanent forums to ensure young people can contribute concretely. Meaningful engagement cannot exist without information, participation and the ability to hold governments to
account as outlined in Rio principle 10. Our challenges have solutions - we must move forward together with clear aims and a long term vision. Young people must be equal partners in building a future fit for all. We are not helpless. Youth are, or have the potential to be, entrepreneurs and developers, innovators, inventors and
global changemakers. We can translate international objectives into local action, deliver new concepts, find innovative solutions and inspire communities. We are ready to act. Our active inclusion will ensure that we
are, together, building a strong new generation who are aware of the challenges and ready to make a difference. Imagine the impact we’d have if children and young people were supported, included and recognized as equal partners. Think of what we can accomplish if we realise the full potential of young people as agents of sustainable development.

We are here because we are committed to action, we are here to deliver the “future we need”. You are here to ensure this forum has that same goal. You are here to be accountable to your peoples and to do this must
listen to our global voices. Let’s be partners to achieve this together.

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