Saturday, September 28, 2013

Youth policy points for UNGA 68th Session

As youth attending the 68th UN General Assembly we have consulted with our constituencies and these are
our three priorities during the Ministerial week of the UNGA, for you take forward in the months ahead.

If the ever ongoing inequalities were tackled, we as youth believe many of the present worlds problems
would be eased. We support the calls for disaggregated data (in particular along the lines of age and gender)
and the need for a data revolution. We wish to see the following principles in this regard:

1. Transparent data collection including quantitative and qualitative measures.
2. Openly available data sets, like the Commonwealth Youth Development Index, for all to use.
3. Specific targets and indicators in all goals which are specific to different populations
(including youth, women, health status or disability).

We support efforts to reduce economic inequality, we must go beyond the principle that nobody should be
left behind to reducing the gap between extreme wealth and poverty. We think this should be actively
measured and in this regard believe:

4. A goal on inequality is vital with a suitable measurement of income inequality (such as
GINIIndex) as well as measures of social and environmental inequality.
5. Actively engage in the 8th Open Working Group on SDGs in February to put promote equity.
6. Insure generational equity through by ensuring that the future can meet their needs by creating a high commissioner, preventing short time decisions damaging our future.

Planetary boundaries
As those who will inherit the planet we believe that in the future development framework and ongoing political processes the concept of planetary limits must be central. Therefore we call for:

1. Our common fixed planetary boundaries to be acknowledged of the the means of implementation of the SDGs and in going beyond unlimited growth.
2. Sustainable consumption and production patterns be included in a holistic set of resources based goals.
3. A ‘Global sustainable development report’ to be part of the work of the High Level Political Forum to illustrate where the Earth is in relation to planetary boundaries.

Youth participation
Too few of us are able to access these high level meetings and decision making spaces. It is unacceptable
that there is such a small number of us and that most of us are from the Global North. We therefore call for:

1. Youth Delegates in every delegation to ensure youth voices at the highest level, reaching out to the Global South, marginalised youth and selected by youth councils.
2. A UN forum on youth to monitor progress in youth development, the World Programme of Action for Youth and report to the GA, jointly with governments and youth orgs.
3. Strong mechanism for civil society to participate in all UN meetings, in particular the HLPF strengthening the Major Group modalities in all development negotiations

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