Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 02 - WHO World Health Assembly

We started the second day with an energizing youth strategic meeting and a short briefing session. Attended a side event on "Influenza: we can do better" organized by the World Medical Association, and opening remarks made by the WMO president on revolving Influenza viruses, the first speaker Ms. Ingrida Circene, Minister of Health, Republic of Latvia, highlighted the importance of vaccination program which is one of the most effective way of prevention of Influenza.

Youth Strategic Meeting

At WHA side event

At UN Geneve office

Side event by GHC

The afternoon plenary started with three special speakers, one of them was the Chairperson of African Union. She stated that the member states of African Union intensely working on enhancing the quality of life. African Union adopted the Agenda 2063 vision, which is to create an integrated and peaceful way of living which is investing in its people,
Africa is growing at a rate of 5%, which is highly depending on natural resources. Most of the natural resources are undervalued, people do not pay tax, corruption is really high, and these are some of the issues that African Union is facing. The chairperson further stressed that the member states looking for intra African trade agreement, adding value to biodiversity, where 25%of worlds biodiversity including flora and fauna is in Africa,
The second speaker was the minister of International development and corporation of Sweden, in her speech she emphasized that the government can provide the environment to make individual decisions which will effects themselves. The choices are in our hand. She is a member of the high level panel of post 2015 development agenda and she facilitated the Health Thematic consultations in Bostwana.
Dr. Kim from the World Bank group highlighted the importance of effective health services, emphasized the importance Alma Ata declaration.
The WB has a vision to free the Nations from absolute poverty by 2030 and the WB is facing two challenges specifically on health related development.

He said….
-No family in the world faces access to health because of poverty.
-Lets close the health gaps for poorest population of any country.

He further added that the developing primary health care and public health care may control the finances and expenses on Health. He concluded the speech with “We must be the generation to break down the bricks of poverty and we must be the generation to implement the universal health coverage now ".
In the late evening attended a side event organized by Global Health Council on "The Changing Landscape of Global Health: Charting a course for the Global Health Community in the post 2015 era". Speakers spoke about the requirement of multilateral partnership such as public, private and NGO partnership and the partnership need to be accountable and transparent.

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