Tuesday, May 21, 2013

As a youth representative for the Pre-World Health Assembly

I was excited to attend Youth Pre-World Health Assembly (Pre-WHA), which took place from May 16th-20th, 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Youth Pre-World Health assembly aimed to gather 30 students and young people from around the world in a three-day workshop on global health diplomacy and global health governance. The aims of this conference are to educate and empower future leaders in health with enhanced knowledge and understanding of global health issues.

Furthermore, the event aims to develop a streamlined plan of action for youth participation at the World Health Assembly. Participants worked in small working groups to develop a comprehensive plan of action for the World Health Assembly in order to create a more effective and meaningful youth participation at the World Health Assembly. Leading experts from World Health Organization (WHO), National Member States and Non-Governmental Organizations was invited to give lectures to participants on selected topics and provided feedback on the youth strategy for the World Health Assembly. Key focus areas was Social Determinants of Health, Post 2015 Millennium Development Goals, Consultative Expert Working Group (CEWG), Human Resources for Health and, Reproductive and Adolescent Health.

Outcomes of the Event

Foster participants with better understanding of global health diplomacy and global health governance.
Development of skills for advocacy, health care leadership, and policy engagement towards action on social determinants of health to reduce health inequities
Foster of a sense of community amongst youth coming from a variety of different, social, cultural and geographic backgrounds.
Increase visibility and impact of youth participation and collaboration at the World Health Assembly.
Streamline and develop a concrete youth strategy towards the World Health Assembly, specifically:
Develop joint plan of action for the Pre-World Health assembly with respect to statements and interventions and advocacy & lobbying aims.
Develop and execute a joint youth social media strategy
Develop a long-term vision and strategy for future joint youth strategies in global health

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