Thursday, December 27, 2012

UNEP Seeks Input on Civil Society Engagement Mechanisms

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is soliciting the input of Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (MGS) on its current engagement system and how it can be improved to better respond to the needs of stakeholders.

According to UNEP, MGS input, which can be offered via an online survey until 31 December 2012, will influence its response to the call for it to explore "new mechanisms to promote transparency and the effective engagement of society," which was contained in the outcome document of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

The survey's objectives, UNEP notes, are: to identify gaps in its current engagement system; to document best practice in other multilateral organizations; and to identify potential new mechanisms it can pursue to ensure civil society engagement and participation. The survey covers seven areas: current arrangements for MGS participation in UNEP policy and programmatic work; rules and procedures for MGS participation in UNEP work; access to information in UNEP; the current approach of nine Major Groups; the state of MGS participation at the programmatic level in UNEP work; and how modern information and communication technology (ICT) may improve public participation in UNEP.

Agenda 21 defines the nine Major Groups as: Business and Industry; Children and Youth; Farmers; Indigenous People and their Communities; Local Authorities; Non-governmental organizations; Women; Workers and Trade Unions; and the Scientific and Technological Community. By "other stakeholders" UNEP refers to any civil society organization that does not easily fit under one of the existing Major Group categories.

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