Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 02 - Asia Pacific Civil Society Regional Consultation Meeting 2012

On the second day we mainly focused on "What is role civil society and what we need from UNEP". One of the main outcome of Rio+20, specifically on IFSD was to strengthing the UNEP system. In February 2013 In conjunction with its upcoming twenty-seventh session of the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF) to be held from 18th - 22nd February 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya, UNEP is organising the fourteenth Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-14) from 16th -17th February 2013 in Nairobi.

The objective of the Forum will be to facilitate preparations of major groups and stakeholders towards the GC27/GMEF which will hold ministerial-level consultations on emerging policy issues under the following themes: “Implementing Rio+20: A strengthened environmental pillar of sustainable development”, and “Implementing a green economy as an important tool for achieving sustainable development”. Among other issues, the Forum will provide an opportunity for a multi-stakeholders dialogue, as part of the implementation of the Rio+20 Outcome document, on new models and mechanisms to promote transparency and effective engagement of civil society in the work of UNEP; the role and opportunities for involvement of civil society in the post-Rio+20 processes and the post-2015 development agenda.

The participants divided in to several subgroups and intensely discussed some of the key points under each sections. At the end of subgroup consultations each group came with 3 Major recommendations for the Nirobi Ministerial meetings.

The sub groups were as follows.

Group 1: Rio+20 Outcomes and Implementation Asia Pacific
Group 2: Rio+20 and Principle 10
Group 3: UN Post-2015 Agenda
Group 4: Green Economy and Sustainable Consumption and Production
Group 5: International Environmental Governance
Group 6: Chemical Waste and Management
Group 7: Regional Priority Issues

The top three recommendations were presented by the respective facilitators and a key drafting committee was established to compile the recommendations to work on it. The draft CSO compiled document was adopted by the Civil Society representatives at the end two days CSO Intersessional consultations.

The closing remarks was presented by Dr. Madhav Karki, Deputy Director General, ICIMOD . He stressed about the way forward of Rio+20, specially on Means of Implementations and "Winning and Loosing Parties" of Rio+20. Oceans and Mountains were two of them, which was highly discussed and agreed in Rio De Jeniro City in last June.

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