Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rio+20 Daily Blog - Day 02

June 12, Youth Blast, Hosted a mini side event on "Youth Engagement on Development Process" at the youth blast, the event was hosted by the government of Sri Lanka, National Youth Services Council Sri Lanka. The side event focused on post millanium development goal agenda and how youth can get engage with development process, as Sri Lanka is going to host the 2014 UN World Youth Conference, so this event was a good opportunity to spread the message of WYC and show the world what we do in Sri Lanka.

Mini - Side Event at the Youth Blast

Attended a official youth delegation meeting, where my team and i was able to meet official youth delegate from different parts of the country, such as Germany, Norway, Swiss, Brazil, USA etc, meanwhile we were able to meet delegates from Kenya.The sessions mainly focused on planning a strategy for upcoming 15 days and explore the benefits and the restrictions of the the "Government Delegation". 

I got an opportunity to share my experiance and my opinion at a Youth Blast mini side event organized by ICIMOD on How Green Economy help your country, this gave me an opportunity to share how my resource full country can promote Green Economy as youth activist.

Closing Ceremony - Youth Blast

In the closing ceremony of the Youth Blast, Mr. Sha, the Secretary General of the UNCSD addressed the closing ceremony of the Youth Blast, where he stressed why youth should get engage with the Rio+20 process. One of the youth asked a question from Mr. Sha "what will happen if Rio+20 gets failure? He said with an inspiring energy "Rio+20 is not to going to fail - failure is not a choise". He is with loads of hopes on a concrete political out come from the Rio+20, which inspired youth demand the negotiators for a concrete deal at Rio+20.

He streed more on actions, implementations what the nations have committed 20 years ago and he further added this is an opportunity to renew the political commitments. 

In the late evening we had a very important task force meeting on Green Economy, where we discussed on the three major sub-groups, Employment, Education and Natural Resources, from June 13 on-wards these three working groups will follow and track the negotiations with the official youth delegates.

Green Economy Task Force Meetings

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