Saturday, June 30, 2012

Colombo+20 - Youth for Beyond Rio+20

As you may know the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development/Rio+20 concluded on June 22 with the ground breaking document called “The Future We Want”, Rio+20 was an opportunity to think globally, but we have to act locally. Keep in this mindNational Volunteer Force, Youth for a Greener Sri Lanka, National Youth Services Council and United Nation agencies including United Nations Volunteers organizing the Colombo+20 – Youth for beyond Rio+20 on the 1st of July 2012 from 3pm to 7pm at the Independence Square.

The event is intended to disseminate outputs from the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (popularly known as Rio+20) through various activities that will be held at this event. The much anticipated conference is to be held from 20th July to 22nd July 2012 at Rio de Janeiro and discusses how building a sustainable green economy which helps to eradicate poverty and how governmental bodies should organize their work towards sustainable development of the country.
Event will comprise of school children, university students, and the general public.The event programme will be lined up around two buses being painted in collaboration with the Academy of Design and includes sub-events such as flash mobs, storytelling for kids, canvas painting for the public, a photo exposition, live music, and many others. The occasion shall be used to sensitize the public through the various activities and volunteers engaging them in conversations on actions that we as citizens could undertake to shape the future we want.
It would indeed be an honor if you could grace this educational and fun-filled occasion with your presence.
Please feel free to contact Shafraz Rahim – Out Reach Coordinator (077-3446224) or me for more information.
Shape the Future as you want- Join-Inspire & Act -Youth for Sustainable Planet.

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