Saturday, May 19, 2012

Green Economy Call Minutes - 13.5.2012, 3pm GMT

If you want to have an active role: add yourdelf to this list:

Participants: Kyle, Kabita, Naomi, Alva, Brendan, Cassia, George, Lloyd, Aashish, sikander, Simran
Fecilitator: Lena
Notetaker: Kabita

Green Economy working since last year regarding the Theme of Rio+20.

- introduction
Kabita from Nepal, recently working with MGCY and Nepal Youth Task Force on Rio+20
Hamzat B. Lawal, SustainNIGERIA/NYCAN/ICEED, Media & Communication Officer
Naomi / Tokyo / Environmental Partnership Council
Brendan, Belgium, Rio+twenties, boardmember 
Alva, Swedish Youth Organisations/Nature and youth Sweden
Adrian Fernandez, Bolivia
Kyle Gracey, USA, mostly have been involved in SustainUS over the years, coordinating the Media team for MGCY at Rio
Aashish, India, Currently in the USA- Center for The Advancement of The Steady State Economy, Sustainable city neighborhoods, Indian Youth CLimate Network
Cassia -  Brazil, involved with this Task Force
Lena: official german youth delegate to Rio+20, facilitator of this taskforce
Lloyd: UK - European Youth Forum
Sikander: Sri Lanka, Founder National Road to Rio+20 Campaign

- acts from last week
we discussed on the negotiations and the sumaary from the chairs.
We focus youth on 2 topics:
  1. Education
  2. Employment
        Kabita :
At the informal in April, with the very limited number of people, it was difficult to follow the negotiations on 5 issues that we decided, so we will now focus on 2 specific issues.

- people groups and topics
Follow the discussions and be ready.
Specific topic and Lobbying points
we had a spreadsheet regarding people's interest on different topics.
Topics from the text:
 -green economy (section III)
 -key/emerging issues (section V) agriculture, food security, water, tourism, transportation, city, jobs, education, oceans & seas, SIDS, LDCs, climate change, forest, natural disasters, biodiversity, land and desertification, mountains, chemical& waste, sustainable consumption and production, mining, energy, families, population & health, SDGs, 
 finance, science and technology, trade

Other topics:
Water: Adrian (
Agriculture: Abhijit ( )
Major group to connect with the farmers groups and work together.
Bio-diversity: Alva (

Email Lena for joining the groups.
Though we are working on main two topics we will not forget about other topics.
There is only one month left so we need to be very focused on specific topics.
Act @ Lena will send wmail with the minutes and ask people on which topic they want to work.
Select a person for each topic to lead. (someone who is going to Rio)
Kyle and Adrian will be there in Rio
Water mainly connected to education as they both are interrelated. Both the groups can connect to each other and update on what they are doing and what is happening.

Make a broader group working on different topics working under a main group.
Keep all the matching topics like water, oceans together.

Act @ Brendan Email to the groups and sort out how they are going to workout with the topics they are interested in.

- text on main lobbying points (report about the actual text from the different working groups)
update the lobbying points
do some brain storming on the important topics untill next week.
develop some strategies for the coming negotiation

Act @ go to the section of education and analyze who said what and what has been reflected and discuss on what should be changed according to the suggestion from negotiations. Figure out with the nations to be focused on (Do it before 22ndMay)
Send the information regarding the section of education making one pager.

cannot change something in the text can be just read the original one.

Paragraph 101 on which the countries are acting upon.

Act @ Kabita to organize a webinar on Employment and workout on the paragraph.
Lobbying points and strategies.

Next week we need to decide who is going to take the lead and take the responsibilities (Two people going to Rio)

inform the group about the various activities.

Act @ Kabita to get the Group started working and Sikander to help her.
Act @ Lloyd will decide it by tomorrow

Which part of the text is very important, which country are removing and adding, which countries are promoting them?
Very important to know what is in the text summary.

- way forward and  time for next meeting
21st May Monday at 4pm GMT

- others
Accreditation : Both NGO/Civil Society and National 
Deadline : Civil Society-20th May
                Media- 14th May
Funding the youth in Rio+20 as it is really a big conference and very important for the youth like they have been getting it during UNFCCC and COP 

All the nominations that came to MGCY were for Negotiations processes (Intersessionals and Informals informals), they were not for delegation to the Rio+20 Conference.

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