Saturday, May 19, 2012

Got a Side Event at Rio+20 Conference - the National Side Event

Enabling Youth participation in bridging Rio+20 Outcome Beyond 2015

Organizing partners
Ministry of Environment of Sri Lanka together with 
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Development of Sri Lanka 
And National Youth Services council of Sri Lanka

  • Lead-organizer: Sri Lanka
  • 13:30 - 15:00
  • Date: 14 Jun 2012
  • Room: P3-3

The Side Event in the Rio+20 will emphasize on Youth Engagement, mobilization and empowerment on UNCSD/Rio+20 and beyond process, as the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) is the main entry-point for all children, youth and their organization into the process. The side event will do it’s best to provide a meaningful session for youth participation. This will be a good an opportunity to showcase the enthusiasm and courage of the Sri Lankan youth in this high-level UN event to bridge the gap between the Global North and the Global South youth. We would like to make this side event as a platform to network as much as youth leaders around the world who are participating in Rio in June and to carry out a mass youth campaign and mobilization for an ambitious deal in Rio+20. The side event will composed of a plenary session of experts, motivators and youth, they would speak on above themes and implementations of agendas.

Detailed programme
Thematic Focus- 
Youth led Sustainable Development- Future we want! 
Rio+20 and Beyond 
Sri Lankan Youth involvement in Rio+20 Process 
Promotional Event on UN Youth Conference 2014. 

The world is looking at bold and concrete decisions that will enable policies, funding and political will for sustainable development. None of this, however, will be possible without the crucial contribution of civil society and, in particular, YOUTH. 
The whole world is in a crisis- political instability in the Middle East, rising poverty and hunger in Africa, corruption in South East Asia and economic crisis in Europe, but the young people all over the world are worried about the sustainable development which will affect their lives. They, more than anyone else, understand the urgency of finding solutions to our global environmental problems. Presently, the health and wellbeing of millions and millions of youth are at environmental risk. The links between the health of our environment and the socio-economic challenges inspiring the youth to riot are getting clearer each day. 
To address these issues bunch of Sri Lankan youth launched the mass youth movement for Rio+20 along with dozens of Youth Led organizations and young leaders in Sri Lanka 
The Side Event in the Rio+20 will emphasize on Youth Engagement, mobilization and empowerment on UNCSD/Rio+20 and beyond process, as the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) is the main entry-point for all children, youth and their organization into the process. The side event will do it’s best to provide a meaningful session for youth participation. This will be a good an opportunity to showcase the enthusiasm and courage of the Sri Lankan youth in this high-level UN event to bridge the gap between the Global North and the Global South youth. We would like to make this side event as a platform to network as much as youth leaders around the world who are participating in Rio in June and to carry out a mass youth campaign and mobilization for an ambitious deal in Rio+20. 
The side event will composed of a plenary session of experts, motivators and youth, they would speak on above themes and implementations of agendas.

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