Friday, May 25, 2012
Green Economy Call - 21.5.2012
Green Economy Call - 21.5.2012, 4pm GMT
Participants: Michaela,Shani, Hamzat, Adrian, Kehkashan, Brendan, Chris,Harriet, Nimisha, Sevan, Anyuri, Barkha, Alva, Kabita, Lucie
Facilitator: Lena
Notetaker: Various
- introduction
- Update on topic devision between the objectives and Green Economy Taskforce
- Report of our three working groups
- Report from the European youth Representatives Prepmeeting
- ToDOs for next week (one-pager, ammentments, lobbying points, tracking spreat sheet, strategy for informals) and devision of tasks
- dialogues days participation and online dialogues
- others
-Common statement?
- Introduction
Agenda approved, with one addition.
Names and backgrounds:
Chris, UK, Volunteer Activist with Oxfam GB and composer at University of Oxford
Brendan, Belgium, Rio+twenties, boardmember
Kehkashan - Dubai , TUNZA Ecogeneration regional ambassador
Adrian, Bolivia, earth in brackets (US based)
Hamzat B. Lawal, Media & Communications Officer, SustainNIGERIA, Advisor, NYCAN, Executive Assistant, ICEED
Nimisha Bastedo, earth in brackets (from canada originally)
Michaela, NL/living in Sweden, Rio+Twenties
Sevan Holemans, Belgian Youth Delegate to Rio+20
Harriet Thew, Staff Coordinator for World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts delegation to Rio+20
Anyuri, Panama, Earth in Brackets
Alva, Swedish National Youth Council, official youth representative
Kabita, Nepal Youth Task Force on Rio+20, MGCY Social Media Focal Point
Shani, Human Affect AD HOC Unit, MGCY Youth delegate, and International Youth Council.
Lucie Rosset, Swiss UN-Youth Delegate
- Update on topic devision between the objectives and Green Economy Taskforce
Concern about overlaps between objectives and green economy taskforce.
Green Economy Working Group areas, following a call with Objectives Working Group, are now: Employment, Education and Resources (and all areas included in this)
Please complete spreadsheet on googledocs:
Objectives TF: SDGs, human rights, gender, conflicts, disaster
- Report of our three working groups
Employment group: updates ..... (some one pleas write the update here, I misst what they said) Kabita working on it : If any body interested please email Kabita at
Education: Chris has been working on the text. But the group didn't met.
Resources: Send an email for organization. Agreement on > just one group that deals with all topics related with resources.
Meeting and working methode to be determined
Consumption and production patterns to be included on the resources group? (some one has to take the lead)
- Report from the European youth Representatives Prepmeeting
Reviewed the text and highlighted priorities across the areas of education, employment and resources.
· Right to education/Education for all
· Formal, non-formal, informal education on SD
· Develop/include curricula and training on SD on all levels
· Invest in knowledge and skills for GE
· Access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health
· Enhance cooperation, coordination and partnership between actors in the context of SD
Green employment
· Decent work for all, especially for youth
· Create new green jobs to fight youth un- and under-employment
· All employers should consider the three dimensions of SD in equal measure
· Incentivizing the creation of green jobs
· Green jobs should decrease inequalities, be inclusive and resilient
· Green jobs must come along with a decent social protection for all
Natural resources
- conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems as such, not a limited focus on "services"
- international standards on the monitoring of loss of natural resources
- consumption of natural resources below regenration rates
- people&youth-centered agriculture
Subsequently looked into links/crossovers between other areas.
For example:
- agriculture offering potential for employment.
- educational service provided by biodiversity
It should be noted that social protection should not be disregarded.
To DOs upcoming
Informal negotiations upcoming next week in New York starting on Tuesday. At least 3 people should be assigned to each task within each working group.
- Prepare material on Green Economy to support/inform those who will be present at informals.
- Prepare one page document on each important topic explaining its significance. Can be used to introduce other young people to our work and facilitate lobbying more widely. Include: Explanation of what we think is important/short introduction to topic. The MGCY website and zero draft text may have useful text already.
(These can be subsequently added to the Green Economy Booklet being produced by Barkha, and which can be sent to those in NY)
RESOURCES: Brendan (
Please email the above people to help on the one-pagers. Lena to get an example one page document and circulate.
Have a provisional document sent to ??? by Friday.
- General one page on GE (lobbying points)
Deadline of Saturday.Lena, Kabita will lead on
- Go through lobbying points/various texts and make ammendments and changes where required. Come up with ammendments we would like to make to the new edition of the zero text (maybe released tomorrow: 22.05.12) When text is released, will be shared on googledocs for people to add comments. There should be only 3 ammendments per area in order to be practical for lobbying. Deadline of Sunday 27th May to contrbitue thoughts, with smaller group to call on Monday 28th May and produce final document.
To join: Alva, Brendan, Lena, we still need one native speaker (maybe Chris)
- Draft documents with details about key areas with pre-prepared sentences to put into the consciousness of negotiators.
- Tracking documents (maybe a spreadsheet) for those who are not present in NY to be able to follow: Lucie, Sevan (need more people if you are interested please contact, deadline: monday
- A video covering essential lobbying points should be created for the Youth Blast in Rio itself. Ideally comprising images, details, explanation etc.
Online Dialogue Days: Register and you can be in. During the Dialogue days, we will have a number of seats for the MGCY so it would be good to have some people from GE going there. It will be not possible for Delegates badges to enter.
Other things:
- Youth Blast: Sessions on GE everyday. Important to have people presenting our work.
- World Environment Day on 5th June (Theme : Does Green Economy include you?) - We should plan something for this and to be discussed at next meeting.
- Need people from GE task force attending Rio, working with the Media and Reporting, and they should join the dialogue days. (have it next week).
- 2 outreach people, introducing what our task force is doing, who will be focusing in introducing new youth and explaining what we are working on. (next week)
-General information: Common statment of all major groups together drafted, but still in disscussion. (SDG's, HC on FG, what more?). Ivana can maybe update us after the OP meeting.
-IMPORTANT: Register for the Youth Blast, it's very important for the logisitics. Even if is the day before.
*** Urge to get active and involved with other groups/teams over the coming week ***
Next call: Next Sunday (27.05.12) at 2pm GMT
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Green Economy meeting minutes - 6/5/12
Green Economy Call - 6.5.2012, 5pm GMT
Note: We are skyping please add Lena "memalaika"
Participants:Kabita,Laís, Claire,Sikander, Roli, Chris, LloydNaomi, Barkha
Fecilitator: Lena
Notetaker: Sikander
Our proposed agenda:
- Introduction
Lena-Germany-Facilitating task force, attended Informals
Sikander- Sri Lanka, Founder National Road to Rio+20 Campaign (
Kabita, Nepal, core Team member for Nepal youth task force for Rio+20
Claire, UK, Running mass campaign to connect GS+GN called Rio+Africa --> please donate! like $10, $20... :)
[Also hoping to go to the next stage in Date With History: pls vote!]
Roli: India, Communications person (reporter/blogger/photographer)
Lloyd: UK, European Youth Forum, I'm really following IFSD and Objectives, but am being asked to speak alot about GE at the moment so listening in to see whats happening.
Lais- from Brazil, do not belong to any organization but going to Rio+20
Chris - UK, composer and researcher (volunteer activist with Oxfam GB), going to WYC and Rio
Naomi, Japan, environmental partnership council
Barkha, Mauritius
- Review from informal negotiations
- 2nd informal negotiations, Texts was negotiated, G77+China is not accepting the summary of the chairs from the Intersessional - G77+China was working on old text and other countries were working New Texts, two working groups division on section 1, 2, 4 and section 3, 5
Group 1 (Section 3 & 5) Green Economy
It was very complicated in the beginning of the informal informals, discussion on deletion of the paragraphs.
They could not decide anything but made the amendments longer and longer.
They have not enough pressure to decide and discuss on somethings specific.
Due to lack of maximum number of participants in the informal it has been a kind of unsuccess. Next time we need to be well prepared.
Text was not finalized till Friday, text remains quite long, Negotiators will meet once again on May 29 to June 2 in NY (before Prepcom III)
Closing remarks "still 400 paragraphs are remaining to be discussed and finalized before the Rio+20 summit"
MGCY made a document with 5 lobbying points for the informals- water, agriculture, education, unemployment and Eco system
Only the points on Unemployment and Education could be focused.
The chair will prepare the text by 22nd May which they are going to work on the next negotiation meeting.
The chair proposed new text that no one have seen before.
Less youth participation was a barrier to follow the negotiation.
On Friday African Union stepped out from G77+China and proposed their own text (for the IFSD: UNEP upgrade).
The Final text of the informals is not open for Public
Please send current text to:
Para 101 ters:
Two things happening in Science:
To implement the instrumental proposal for sustainable education
The exchange was really good.
We are still in contact with those people.
Some countries proposed to implement the strategies against umployment.
MGCY had a meeting with VP of the World Bank,
The VP was incharge on Environmental Sustainability
building higher educational infrastructure
providing information
Most of the groups were talking about it
Farmers were talking about agricultural techniques (we can add the point that these techniques should be added to the sustainable education proposal. Afterall, we need to encourage farming too.)
More focused in science
Goverments has projects of such kind
According to EU- G77 is against indicators.
- discussion on focus and steps forward in our group
Appointing one or two focal points, having sub-groups, forming google group for relevent task force to keep the communication,
Suggestion to have a facebook closed group rather new google group
Lloyd: FB is ok but the key is finding the people to lead on the areas.
My feeling is for those that will be there at the next round of the in-formals is there is a strong support for those small group of people from around the global in the TF and people are really committed to spend time in front of computers to help support those people in the respective areas.
- updating our lobbying points and strategy, defining tasks
Sub Groups
1 - Education - talk to the "Education Caucus" about working together on this:Laís, Barkha, Lloyd, Chris
2 - Youth (Un)employment/Jobs - work with Major Group on trade unions also focus on Employment Kabita, sikander
Kabita :
Groups to look at the specialised sections of texts and present them in the next call
- Next meetings
3pm GMT Sunday
- Others
- Green Economy Booklet (get in touch with Barkha)
If you want to volunteer to help me complete the booklet, please drop a
- Continuing Green Economy webinar to involve more active people in our group.
- a short video clip on green economy- presenting our position points in the video (Get in touch with Barkha - email me your skills/timeframe and I'll get back to you in terms of content :) ) ....will do!
- please update our fb page when we have the next call!
Join us in Facebook
Follow us in Twitter!/GEYTF
Please support Laís and Claire in the Date With History competition, by midnight!!:!/media/o7w2gr (Need FULL link!) - Laís (shortlink) - Claire
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