Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 03 - WHO World Health Assembly

Youth Strategic Meeting

Health in the post-2015 agenda: Outcomes of the Global Thematic Consultation, was the main morning discussion, as well as Sexual and reproductive health and rights in the ICPD beyond 2014 and post-2015 were some of the main topic discussed during 3rd Day. In the morning I was able to meet Hon. Minister Maithripala Sirisena, Ministry of Health and had a productive discussuion with him.

I got interviewed by the WHO production team on "What I think about WHO?", I gave my opinion and requested WHO secretariat and DG to include more young people to WHA and WHO negotiations and consultations.

Committee A

It was a very important day for us, we got an opportunity to influence the negotiators via a powerful intervention in Committee A where Roopa Dhatt clearly pointed out problems and suggested concrete solutions, is indeed empowering youth and being engaged with decision making processes.

Before the day would come to an end, went to a session on new programme support and policy changes, WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel: Stoking up the fire for Code implementation, building systems to address functional decline and dependence in ageing populations, and volunteerism and health coverage.

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