Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Global Week of Action Campaign

DESTINATION – Global Week of Action Campaign
WHEN - 21st – 28th Jan 2013

• Get your Partner Code!
We want to ensure that the work your organization does to drive voters to the website are recognized. In order for your mobilization efforts to be
tracked, you can use your MY World partner code as part of the link you distribute. For
example, if you are given partner code "green" you can add it to your link like so:

When a potential voter uses that link to get to the MY World website, a record will be
made that they came in via your mobilization efforts. We will be regularly reporting back
to partners on the number of voters that have used their "custom link", giving you a clear
measurement of the effectiveness of your mobilization efforts.

To get a partner code, please send a request to the codes can
be up to 8 characters. In your message please indicate the code that you would prefer. Or
you can register and submit you application at MY World's Partners' Site

• The “How to” guides for online, offline and mobile are available CLICK HERE!

• Spread the word! Mobilise your network and hand them these toolkits!

GOAL - Let's challenge ourselves to getting the first "Million" votes announced and
show the world our amazing outreach effort

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