Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 01 - Asia Pacific Civil Society Regional Consultation Meeting 2012

It is a great pleasure to participate Asia Pacific Civil Society Regional Consultation Meeting 2012 as a youth speaker which is organized by UNEP and the Asian Development Bank (ADB),  in Kathmandu City, Nepal.

In line with the agenda of the 2013 GMGSF and GC/GMEF, the Regional Consultation Meeting covering the following topics:

·         Overview of major issues from Outcome Document and Implications for Major Groups and UNEP

·         UN Post 2015 Agenda and Role of MGS

·         Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development & Sustainable Consumption and Production

·         The Role of Major Groups in Post Rio Agenda

Welcoming Remarks was shared by Dr. Young-Woo Park, Regional Director, UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Opening Statement by Robert Piper, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Nepal (tbc) followed by a Statement from Dr. David Molden, Director General, ICIMOD.
I was privileged to be a Youth speaker at this event and shared m views on Youth engagement on  post 2015 UN Development Agenda. In my presentation I mainly stressed on how youth can get engage with post Rio+20 process, for Rio+20 thousands of young people gathered to raise there collective voice to demand the negotiators for a concrete deal at Rio+20, we are at a stage of transforming this Rio+20 Youth Movement to Beyond 2015 UN Development Agenda.
During my presentation I focused how NGOs' and Intergovernmental Organizations can empower young people on decision making process. 

 Dr. Young-Woo Park, Regional Director, UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

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