Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sri Lankan Youth for Post 2015 Development Agenda - Draft Proposal 1

Draft 01 – 03/09/2012

Youth for post- 2015 Development Agenda.

Organized by - Youth for Sustainability Movement in collaboration with (National Youth Services Council of Sri Lanka) and (United Nations Development Program)

Youth for Sustainability movement
This is an independent youth movement composed of young facilitators and a volunteer team who represents different organizations and with backgrounds are experiences, who are committed to achieve the goals of the campaign.
Why Sustainable Development?
“Environmental, Economic and Social well-being for today and tomorrow”
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We need to turn from the old economy built on fossil fuels to a new, renewable-based green economy with economic equity and social justice for all.

Why Youth for Beyond 2015 Development Agenda?
The world is looking at bold and concrete decisions that will enable policies, funding and political will for sustainable development. None of this, however, will be possible without the crucial contribution of civil society and, in particular, youth, with half the world’s population under 25, young people are not only the most affected by negative consequences of unsustainable development, but they also have the greatest capacity and energy to deal with those challenges and work on practical solutions.
Youth Beyond 2015 is a collective of young people coming from different backgrounds and different part of the country to advocate for a youth centered post 2015 development agenda.
Key Objectives of the campaign.

- Enhancing the Youth Participation to the post-2015 development agenda and Rio+20 outcome.
- Consulting with children and youth on post-2015 development agenda via local level and National youth consultation process and developing a national youth report at the end of the campaign.
- Empowering Young People to initiate grass root level projects to achieve MDG Goals.


Series of consultative workshops will be carried out throughout the country (All 25 Districts) by youth facilitators between January 2013 to December 2013, The objective of the workshop is to get the ideas of young people on post 2015 development agenda. final Youth report will be prepared in title of  “What Sri Lankan Youth Really Want Beyond 2015”, The final report will be presented at the 2014 UN World Youth Conference due to held in Sri Lanka.

Content of the Campaign
-         20 Consultation Workshops
-         4 Symposiums

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