Thursday, March 7, 2013

Asia-Pacific Regional Thematic Consultation on Education in the post 2015 development agenda


In the run up to 2015, UN organizations and international, regional and national stakeholders across the globe have commenced consultations regarding the effectiveness of the Millennium Development Goals and reflections on the post-2015 development agenda as a global commitment towards human development and poverty reduction. The UN has started the processes and consultations to foster broad based, open and inclusive dialogues with stakeholders, including civil society partners, on helping to define the post-2015 agenda. One of these processes is global thematic consultations around 11 themes, one of which is education. This thematic consultation is co-led by UNESCO and UNICEF which have set up a regional Task Team to ensure that the voices of the Asia-Pacific region are included in the global process.

Regional Thematic Consultation on Education

Within the framework of the thematic consultation on education in the post-2015 agenda, UNESCO Bangkok (Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education), UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and the Pacific (EAPRO), and UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA), in partnership with interested non-governmental and civil society organizations (e.g. VSO) and the private sector will organize a regional thematic consultation on education on 28th February – 1st March 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The consultation will be held back-to-back with the regional EFA (Education For All) coordinators’ meeting, which is planned to be held on 26th - 27th February 2013 in Bangkok. The consultation will also build on two high-level expert meetings which were organized by UNESCO Bangkok in May and November 2012 around the themes education for the future and post 2015.

Aims of Regional Consultation

As many diverse consultations and discussions are taking place, our aim is to bring together various stakeholders from the Asia-Pacific region, including government representatives, civil society organizations, regional networks and young people to provide a platform for sharing and discussing their ideas and opinions on education in the post-2015 development agenda and to come up with a collective voice from the region.
The aims of the regional consultation are to:

1) Take stock of and exchange information on regional and national processes of consultation and dialogue on education in the post-2015 agenda;

2) Identify areas of key importance for education and learning for the future in the region;

3) Discuss how to best articulate and position education as a critical part of the post-2015 development agenda; and

4) Formulate recommendations on education for the future as well as in the post-2015 development framework.

Outcomes of the Consultation

The outcomes and recommendations from this Asia-Pacific consultation will feed into the Global Thematic Consultation on Education which is planned to take place in March 2013 in Dakar, Senegal and will also be reflected in the ESCAP Regional Post-2015 Report. Ultimately, it will feed into the global UN report on the post-2015 agenda.

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