Wednesday, October 10, 2012

SL Post 2015 Development Agenda - Meeting Minutes 01

Sri Lanka Youth Movement for Post 2015 Development Agenda
Minutes -01 - 30/09/2012

Discussed following Items

Presence - Sikander, Sahan, Husni, Niranjan
Facilitator - Sikander
Note taker – Sahan
Excuses- Jayahma, Thamara and Kosala

Overall View

·         Final outcome is to develop a National Youth Report on Post 2015 Development Agenda.
·         Other objective – Postponed to next meeting
·         The final report will be launched at the UN youth conference 2014 which will be held in Sri Lanka, the report will constitute the following-
§  Youth’s views of Development Beyond 2015
§  MDGs Review as per youth perspective
·         A concept note will be created by Sikander and Jayathma and it will used as the first draft
·         Ultimately the campaign will be evolved into an open platform for the youth, but the OP’s will take the initiative to design the campaign.
·         This campaign will be organized under NYSC, resources will be provided by them.

Administrative Structure of the Campaign

§  10 Organizing Partners (OP's), already 7 of them taking the leadership and another three will be added.
§  Working Group which consist of facilitating team.
§  Advisory board
§  Other Stakeholders
Note - OPs should have the ultimate authority to make the decision.

Core Committee consisting of 10 members
o         7 member are already decided
§      Sikander
§      Husni
§      Niranjan
§      Sahan
§      Jayathma
§      Kusala
§      Tamara
Proposed other 3 members could be appointed by NYSC and they should be girls from different parts of the country.
§      Advisory board will consist of big people such as (not yet fully decided)
o         Chairmen of NYSC
o         Minister of Youth Affairs
o         One member of major stakeholders
o         Ananda Mallawathanthri  - UNDP
o         Natal – UNV

§      A Stakeholder group will be a different section which consists of other youth organizations who want to be a part of the Campaign but do not have any authority to dominate the proceedings of the campaign.
§       Working groups consisting volunteers, this will be headed by one of the organizing partners. These Groups will be responsible for administrations, logistics, media and so on

The following points are to be discussed with Milinda
§  Finalizing working groups
§  Finalizing the Organizing partners
§  How to make the campaign legitimate
§  Workshop content

Contents of the Campaign

§  Workshops per district
o   Have different workshops per different sectors of society
o   Finding problems in the society
§  National Youth Survey
§  Create a facilitating team and train them
§  Media/Blog/Videos etc
§  Forum/Symposiums.

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