Saturday, August 4, 2012

International Youth Day 2012 - Sri Lanka

International Youth Day 2012 – Sri Lanka

International Youth Day is celebrated on 12 August all around the world under the theme "Building a better world, partnering with youth." This day is recognized as an immense opportunity for the government, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, the private sector and young people to get key actors involved to celebrate efforts of youth for a better world through forums, public discussions and information campaigns.

Last year we celebrated this special day by breaking a world record for the World’s Largest Human Mosaic where we managed to mobilize 1500 youth within only 9 days of preparation. We showed the world that Sri Lankan Youth are Diverse, Dynamic and Energetic. (Check this historic moment - )

With that inspiration, this year IYD 2012 National Event is Organized by - the National Youth Services Council with United Nations Volunteers and supported by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Development, United Nations local office.

Date  : 12 August 2012
Time  : 04:30PM – 08:00PM
Venue: Independence Square / Hockey grounds

We are looking for Volunteers who can help us in organizing this National Celebration – Celebrating our lifestyle - YOUTH

If you are interested please sigh up NOW!

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