Friday, July 27, 2012

Mobilizing 150 Youngsters - "Recycling + Teenage"

A workshop on "Recycling + Teenage" was held at Samudradevi Balika Vidyalaya on the  12th of July 2012 in colloboration with Neptune Recyclers. About 150 students, elected as environmental pioneers participated in the event conducted by Mr. Sikandar Sabeer, an employee of Neptune Recyclers.

The workshop raised a lot of interest among the students and as a result student initiated a "Recycling day" at the school. "Recycling Day" is a unique fundraising project where students/youth led organization can earn sufficient amount of money from there waste. This money is used to initiate community based projects by the students. As a result of “Recycling Day” the students of Samudradevi Vidyalaya were able to collect more than hundred kilograms of waste papers and they are intended to replicate this project every month.

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