Friday, April 27, 2012

Earth Walk 2012- Rio+20

Earth Walk 2012- Rio+20

We have almost 10 weeks remaining for the one of biggest and one of the most important summits in history of the United Nations Organizations. That's Rio+20 - which is our summit, the summit to decide the pathway of the planet. This is the summit which will put the foundation of the future we want to see and live, as well Rio+20 provides an opportunity to think globally and act locally to secure our common future.

On the 1st of April 2012, as part of National Road To Rio+20 Campaign Sri Lanka, dozens of youth led organizations got together and organized the Earth Walk 2012. The walk commenced with 300+ energetic and diverse youth activists who gathered at the Police Park in Bambalapitiya and walked towards Vihara maha Devi Park in Town Hall, Colombo- Sri Lanka while expressing their views about the environment. The purpose of the walk was to create a different image about the Environment on the minds of the Youth, because it is  generally seen that youth as  a negative perceptions about the whole issue of saving the planet earth and the environment. We as youth leaders believe that if we want to initiate change, we should make the people believe that, there should be change and what would be consequences is not actions are not taken up now.

This was the main idea behind in making posters, communicating to the public about the problems that we are facing today and the problems that are yet to come. We also communicated the need to change, and the need to take action. During the walk we wanted to create a better image about taking action, as it would motivate and empower the people in taking action.

After the walk, there was a mural painting which was organized by the Academy of Design. The main theme of the mural painting was HELP. Planet Earth needs our help to survive and we should stop hurting it. Each hand print on that mural painting, resemble the support and the urgency of each individual to save our mother earth. We had a Green Fashion walk to promote sustainable cloth and green fashion designs as well.

Mr Neshan Gunesekara from Weeramanthry International Centre for Peace Education and Research, Mr Kabilan a Youth Activist in the North and Mr Piyum Perera who is the chairman of National Youth Services Council inspired the gathering in speeches and live band show to added more beauty the Earth Walk.

“Young people all over the world are worried about the climatic changes which will affect their lives. They, more than anyone else, understand the urgency of finding solutions to our global environmental problems. Presently, the health and wellbeing of millions and millions of youth are at environmental risk. The links between the health of   our environment and the socio-economic challenges inspiring the youth to riot are getting clearer each day. Rio+20 is a chance to move away from business as usual and act to end poverty and to build a bridge the to a sustainable and happy future” said Sikander Sabeer, the founder of “National Road to Rio+20” Campaign Sri Lanka.

To address the current burning issues bunch of Sri Lankan youth launched the 'National Road to Rio+20' campaign in October 2011.The national campaign is an initiative of Sikander Sabeer, Rehan Fernando, and Sahan Hattotuwa, who are serving as a the co-founders of National Road to Rio+20 campaign. The Earth Walk could not have being a success without the help of National Youth Services Council, Academy of Design and Colombo Operated Model United Nations 2012, and specially Youth for Greener Sri Lanka platform.

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